On the forth of July i went to a baseball game and our team was the Intimidators
and they were losing six to three and when our teem was up the pitcher pitched and the batter swung; crack, the ball sailed threw the sky. just when the ball was about to go over the fence the out a player jumped and snagged the ball out of the air, out!! the ump called. Suddenly the crowds screams turned in to boos!! then the next batter was up strike one strike two strike three out scattered boos came out of the crowd. the third batter was up pop fly to center Field out!!!! the other team was up out out out we go a three and out !! we were up the pitch ,crack, home run!! now it was six / four. our next two batters got out and the pitcher walked a guy and the next batter got a triple.
it was five to six and the bottom of the ninth and then the next batter got out!!!!
It was all over the intimodators lost. Then we sat down and watched the firework show: boom bam red and purple fire works exploded in to the sky leaving white smoke in the air and after they were done it smelled like bacon. Oh yeah, and i lost my tooth! i think even though my teem lost i had awesome fun and it was a good fourth of July.
Nice descriptive writing Jaedon! Sounds like you had an exciting Fourth of July. xxoo