this blog is about me, my triathlon training, summertime fun and the quest for the perfect burger.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Last Summer Post
I did my triathlon the other day and I had a great time. When we got there people were already setting up there transition stations witch are places where you put your shoes
on when you get out of the pool. I set up my bike and shoes and shirt. Then we got in the pool I was the eighth person to get in the pool and swim at first I was a little nervous but I got over it quickly and I was swimming like a pro, I did all four lengths really quick and I got out and started running to my transition station and put on my shoes and I was off
on my bike. I was a little bit into the race when my derailleur on my bike hit the frame and I had to pull over and fix it. I fixed it fast and rode off but not long after it did it a
second time. I fixed it very fast now since I knew how to do it and I finished the biking. Then I ran the first lap of the run. The first lap was no problem but the second lap I had a cramp so I had to reduce my speed and at the last stretch of the run I saw griffin cheering me on and I ran faster and sprinted to the finish line! My time was three or four minutes faster than last year!
I also donated three bags of dog food to the animal shelter. I want to thank all yall’ (ha ha) for following my blog this summer and clicking on my ads. After awhile Google decided that Grandma’s clicking on ads isn’t fair, but before they shut down my ad account I made almost $78.00…. I donated three bags of dog food to the animal shelter, I put half of the rest in my piggy bank and I get to keep $26.00!! Thanks everyone, I had a great summer and I hope you did too.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Camp was great.... I had an awesome time with my cousin Ben, some of the kids in our cabin were a little wierd but we had lots of fun anyway. I swam in the lake every day and did a high ropes course and went fishing and we even raided the cabins on the other side of the lake. It was really hot this year at camp. Basically, it was more fun than I can tell you about. This is a picture of my brother Griffin hugging me when he came to pick me up from camp.
I have two more burger joints to write about and they might be the best ones yet. One was a gourmet burger and one was a diner style burger.
The gourmet burger was from Counter Burger which is becoming a chain so if there is one in your town you should go!!! And you can design yore own burger just for you and it tastes so good you could get your burger as rare as it can be like Dad and Michelle like it, or rilly well done and my burger tasted soooooooooooooo good it was so amasingly good that i haad to take a picture and even the picture makes my mouth water. on to the next buger
I went to The Penguin and got fried pickles and a southern style burger. The Penguin is one of my all time favorite diner burgers and their fried pickles are the best and they are made right there and they have homeade ranch dressing to dip them in. Mmmmm.... The Penguin was on Diners Drve Ins and Dives and you can look in up and watch about it! It really does live up to the hype!
The gourmet burger was from Counter Burger which is becoming a chain so if there is one in your town you should go!!! And you can design yore own burger just for you and it tastes so good you could get your burger as rare as it can be like Dad and Michelle like it, or rilly well done and my burger tasted soooooooooooooo good it was so amasingly good that i haad to take a picture and even the picture makes my mouth water. on to the next buger
I went to The Penguin and got fried pickles and a southern style burger. The Penguin is one of my all time favorite diner burgers and their fried pickles are the best and they are made right there and they have homeade ranch dressing to dip them in. Mmmmm.... The Penguin was on Diners Drve Ins and Dives and you can look in up and watch about it! It really does live up to the hype!
I went to historic brattonsville sc and we saw how the early settlers live.
At first we saw the early huts of the settlers and it was interesting. They lived in little mud huts that had two beds and a kitchen inside and a family of 7 wuld live in one of them for ten to eleven years untill the son coulde builde another house.
Then we saw the next generaton of houses, they were two storys and the house was much better inside than the first ones. Then we went to the tavern and saw what it looked like on the in side it had a kitchen a bedroom and a schoolhouse in it. Then we went to the big house and it had three storys and a ball room. Then we saw the slave houses and the gin house where the cotton gin was. One of the actors there told us how they raised flax for making cloth instead of cotton before the cotton gin was invented. It was a worthwhile stop on the way home from camp.
Monday, July 26, 2010
CAMP! oh, and this museum i went to...
This will be my last post for awhile because i am going to Camp Gravatt for a week!
I went to the Mint Museum and saw all these cool pieces of art.
We did this scavenger hunt game in the
Museum and we had to find different art pieces and
We found all of them! The first one we found were kites hanging from the cieling
Then a painting of Queen Charlotte, then a painting of a room with people in it,
After that we found an old wardrobe, then an ancient Hunters shirt
And last of all, antick wallpaper. The Mint Museum was also the first mint in the United States, and my brother Griffin thought the display about the coins they made there was awesome. It was a pretty cool trip, even though I didn’t want to go at first.Myrtle Beach
I went to Myrtle beach in South Carolina a few days ago and it was cookies!
At first it was low tide and I caught some big waves body surfing
They shot me thru the water like a jet, it was awesome.
And we surfed waves for about two hours when the tide came in, then
The waves got rough they threw me around like a rag doll boom boom boom
the waves knocked us over almost a million times. The waves were so strong that they
made you surf them spinning you around until you were dizzy. After we left the beach
we went to a burger joint called Hamburger Joe’s and I got another ALL THE WAY, the chili had no taste at all. But the rest was good. The funny thing about this place was that it was covred in money! There were dollar bills all over the walls and hanging from the ceiling. They let us draw on a dollar bill and put it up their on the wall. We put up a pink fish power boys doller bill .That was the end to are amasing beach trip!
(picture of dad and griff)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Milkshake on my face
I went to the Drive-in theatre and saw the Sorcerers Apprentice.
It was a good movie and speciall effects were grate .
I espesally liked the part where the evilist witch comes out
of the grim hole and she tried to rise the dead but the main character knoked the witch out of the water and then put her back in the grim hold for life . I also got a milk shake it was really good but it wasn’t as thick as I thought it… It didn’t fall on my face… you know…Overall, good drive-in night, we slept with the seats down on the way
Get On Board
I went to Carowinds yesterday and all I did was ride roller coasters.
First I road the Ricochet it is a small coaster but fun, when the
cars turn it feels like you would fall off the track it also had a big
drop. It was scary but fun, relly fun. The next coaster we went on was the Carolina Cyclone, my all time favorette ride at Carowinds. It goes upside down four times
And goes forty one miles per hour I road this one twice it was awesome.
Then we all went on Flying Ace Arial Chase it is a roller coaster where
your feet hang down and it zips you thru the air twisting and turning
and leaveing you with an adrenalin rush. Then dad and griff went to a ride and
Me and Michelle went on the After Burn, the ride time is two minutes and forty seven seconds and it opened in 1999. When you get in your seat the ride will pull
you up to one hundred and forty four feet and sends you speeding down, woosh, you go upside down six times! Going sixty two miles per hour it was the longest fastest roller coaster I had ever been on and I loved all of it! Then me and dad went on the Vortex a stand up roller coaster that goes upside down twice at a speed of fifty miles per hour.
It was sweet the ride was smooth and took two minutes and nineteen seconds.
That was the last ride of the day and I was SATISFIED!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I caught a lizard yesterday and we put him in a
empty fish tank. He was climbing up a cliff
and I grabbed him before he was out of reach but then he bit me
His jaws clamped down on my pinky, ow! I screamed as I put him in his
tank and shut the lid. That is the dramatic storie of my lizard.
We also went geo-caching at morrow mountain. We had to find five clues a bout the history of Indians in North Carolina and then we got the final geo cords to find the tresure. I got a Florida geo-bug. Geochaching is when you use a GPS to find hidden treasure all over the country. You should lok it up on the intrnet and try it out.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Anti-Commercial #1: G.E. Lightbulbs
This is the first anti-commercial, they are like political ads, but with household products... Griffin and I came up with these and we think it will be the new wave in commercials for the future. Do you agree?
Biscuits and Jam
I made jelly a few days ago it took a long time. First we had to boil the jars
and then we had to cook the blackberries and cherries for a long time.
And they slowly turned in to mush and we had to keep mixing it until the jars were ready. Then we poured the hot jam into the jars and sealed them tight and then boiled the jars again. The next day we had hot homemade jam on biscuits. Here is the recipe:
Fresh Baked Biscuits
Warm Blackberry Cherry Jubilee Jam
We also went to Carowinds again and road alot of new roller coasters.
My favorite one was “flying ace aerial chase” it is fun because
your feet hang down and if you have flipflops on you can ride bare foot.
we also got an icee mix it up, that is where you have all these different flavors of icee
and you can mix them together however you want.
I had a grate time at Carowinds and look forward to a few more visits this summer. I still have som more roller coasters to ride this year.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Good Fishing
I went fishing yesterday and we hooked seven sunny’s
At first we didn’t catch anything and the fish kept stripping our worms
But then I found a school of sunny’s and they were hungry. We were pulling them
out of the water over and over again. We kept seven fish and had them for dinner
that night, yum, they were good. I think we had a successful fishing trip.
Monday, July 12, 2010
I don't have anything to write about today so i decided to write about my chickens.
did you know they eat the bad bugs living in your garden. they also
lay an egg every day. they eat chicken feed and that has oyster in it that makes their eggs hard.
we have 4 chickens 3 hens and one rooster. Wendy is our favorite
chicken she lays the whitest eggs. Our other chickens lay brown eggs. Chanticleer is our rooster he is really protective of the chickens and keeps the chickens safe. chickens are fun you should
get some.
did you know they eat the bad bugs living in your garden. they also
lay an egg every day. they eat chicken feed and that has oyster in it that makes their eggs hard.
we have 4 chickens 3 hens and one rooster. Wendy is our favorite
chicken she lays the whitest eggs. Our other chickens lay brown eggs. Chanticleer is our rooster he is really protective of the chickens and keeps the chickens safe. chickens are fun you should
get some.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Burger #4 What A Burger!
This is one of my favorite burgers and I got it at the local burger joint called What-A-Burger and they are known for their “All The Way” burger.
It is called all the way because they put every thing on it. It is really good and I get it every time I go there. What a burger is only in CAROWINDS HAPPENED!
I went to Carowinds yesterday and had a blast I went on all these difrent roller coasters and it was so cool. First we went to the water park and swam in the wave pools one had big waves and one had small waves It was really hot, so that cooled us off. Then we went on the Carolina cobra…
It went like one hundred miles per hour and was really bumpy. But the next coaster was fun it only went 40 miles per hour. I also got to have a pictore with charley brown . it was a fun day we are going again this summer, EXCELLENT!
It went like one hundred miles per hour and was really bumpy. But the next coaster was fun it only went 40 miles per hour. I also got to have a pictore with charley brown . it was a fun day we are going again this summer, EXCELLENT!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Burger #3 Turkey Feta Pesto Delight
This is a burger for those who dont eat meat. I made the third burger of the summer it was a turkey burger and it tasted so good there was
feta in the burger and that made the burger tasted even better, it gave it a really saltey flavor.
we also topped it with jack cheese witch gave the burger a interesting flavor, one i never taseted before. the ingegredients were: feta cheese, pesto, minced garlick, bread crumbs,
topped with jack cheese, spinich and onion served on home made bread i made with Nana. If you have any questions, just ask, it was delisious.
Modern Art
I went to an art museum and saw all thees paintings and sculptures some that had a point and
some that didn't have one all. i learned that when painters are sad they painted sad paintings
and the sadder the painter the sadder the paintings were. also painters mostly paint about what is happening inthe world. the art museum was fun i hope i go there a second time.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Pickles and Fishing
On Thursday i did some pickling. First we steralized the jars and seals, then
we started to shove the cucumbers in to the jars. Then after the jars were full
we put dill and garlic in with the pickle's. then we put the seals on and and soaked the jars for fifteen minuetes and take them out and don't touch them for forty eight hours then store them away for six weeks. I also went fishing and hooked a sunny and a tiny bass. Good day!
Picture of my brother Griffin pickling.
On the forth of July i went to a baseball game and our team was the Intimidators
and they were losing six to three and when our teem was up the pitcher pitched and the batter swung; crack, the ball sailed threw the sky. just when the ball was about to go over the fence the out a player jumped and snagged the ball out of the air, out!! the ump called. Suddenly the crowds screams turned in to boos!! then the next batter was up strike one strike two strike three out scattered boos came out of the crowd. the third batter was up pop fly to center Field out!!!! the other team was up out out out we go a three and out !! we were up the pitch ,crack, home run!! now it was six / four. our next two batters got out and the pitcher walked a guy and the next batter got a triple.
it was five to six and the bottom of the ninth and then the next batter got out!!!!
It was all over the intimodators lost. Then we sat down and watched the firework show: boom bam red and purple fire works exploded in to the sky leaving white smoke in the air and after they were done it smelled like bacon. Oh yeah, and i lost my tooth! i think even though my teem lost i had awesome fun and it was a good fourth of July.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Burger #2
I had the second burger of the summer and i had it at big daddy's.
It wasn't the best burger in the world they over did it on the relish
but the rest was good and the Monterrey jack cheese was really well cooked
and melted all around the burger. and the crispy onion straws gave it a bit more
flavor. but my favorite part was the burger it was cooked medium rare and had a pink center. the bottom line is : good burger.
today i laid on a bed of nails
Yesterday i went to discovery place and there were so many fun things to do. The
most fun to me was the chair that you sit in and pull up with a rope.After that
i was tired so i needed somewhere to lie down and rest.Then i saw it a bed of nails.
i got on and the nails started to come up and i came up with them they didn't
pierce me or draw blood they just let me lie there and rest.Then we went to the next
room it was full of Frogs!I liked the tree frogs the best. the next room was about
making things like claymation and cartoons.Over all the new discovery place is awesome if your in town you should go.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
summer wish list of fun

1. Go to Carowinds and ride eight roller coasters.
2. Go to big daddy burger and have a burger.
3. Go to summer camp and have a blast.
4. Go to carowinds againn and go to the water park and swim in the big wave wave pool with goggles.
5. Go to the drive in and have a milk shake while seeing toy story 3.
6. See The last airbender in the theater.
7. Do a triathlon.
8. Catch a big fish
9. Go jet skiing
10. Make bread
11. Go camping
12. Get a boat
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Burger #1
ham and french fry explosion.I loved the burger when you
bit in to it juice exploded in to your mouth. So that was the first burger of the summer.The recipe is
1.cut a large sour dough bread piece in half
2.make french fry's and season them with salt pepper and
3.make paddies and cook for ten min.
4cook ham so it will be warm
5.put ham pea sprouts pineapple french fry's and tomato on your burger and dig in
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