Friday, July 2, 2010

Burger #2


I had the second burger of the summer and i had it at big daddy's.
It wasn't the best burger in the world they over did it on the relish
but the rest was good and the Monterrey jack cheese was really well cooked
and melted all around the burger. and the crispy onion straws gave it a bit more
flavor. but my favorite part was the burger it was cooked medium rare and had a pink center. the bottom line is : good burger.

today i laid on a bed of nails

Yesterday i went to discovery place and there were so many fun things to do. The
most fun to me was the chair that you sit in and pull up with a rope.After that
i was tired so i needed somewhere to lie down and rest.Then i saw it a bed of nails.
i got on and the nails started to come up and i came up with them they didn't
pierce me or draw blood they just let me lie there and rest.Then we went to the next
room it was full of Frogs!I liked the tree frogs the best. the next room was about
making things like claymation and cartoons.Over all the new discovery place is awesome if your in town you should go.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

summer wish list of fun

1. Go to Carowinds and ride eight roller coasters.
2. Go to big daddy burger and have a burger.
3. Go to summer camp and have a blast.
4. Go to carowinds againn and go to the water park and swim in the big wave wave pool with goggles.
5. Go to the drive in and have a milk shake while seeing toy story 3.
6. See The last airbender in the theater.
7. Do a triathlon.
8. Catch a big fish
9. Go jet skiing
10. Make bread
11. Go camping
12. Get a boat

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Burger #1

this was the first summer burger and i made it.It's called the
ham and french fry explosion.I loved the burger when you
bit in to it juice exploded in to your mouth. So that was the first burger of the summer.The recipe is
1.cut a large sour dough bread piece in half
2.make french fry's and season them with salt pepper and
3.make paddies and cook for ten min.
4cook ham so it will be warm
5.put ham pea sprouts pineapple french fry's and tomato on your burger and dig in